backdrop ()

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Backdrop ()
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The backdrop () block is a reporter block in the Looks category that reports the backdrop number or name of the Stage. It originates from Scratch. The dropdown options are number (default) and name.


The options can workaround each other by using a list of the backdrops in the same order as they appear in the backdrops tab:

when gf clicked
delete all of [backdrops v]
add [my backdrop 1] to [backdrops v]
add [my backdrop 2] to [backdrops v]
add [my backdrop 3] to [backdrops v]

(item (backdrop [number v]) of [backdrops v]) //backdrop name workaround

(item # of (backdrop [name v]) in [backdrops v]) //backdrop number workaround

Or you can use the () of () sensing reporter block, with backdrop #/name selected:

([backdrop #/name v] of [Stage v])

See also