change pen color by ()

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Change pen color by ()
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The change pen color by () block was a stack block in the pen category before Scratch 3.0 that changed the pen color by a certain value. The default value of the block was 10. It was replaced with the color dropdown option in the change pen () by () block, and became a hidden block.

It was reintroduced in PenguinMod as a legacy block, with the default value changed to 1. Although the Stage did not work with this block in Scratch 2.0 due to the Stage being unable to move, it also appears in the Stage in PenguinMod, along with the change pen shade by (), set pen color to (), and set pen shade to () blocks.


This block can be worked around using the replacement block, change pen () by (), with color selected as the dropdown option, and the number wanted as the input.


See also