complex () - ()

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Complex () - ()
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The complex () - () block is a reporter block in the Extra Mathematics extension that reports the differences of the entered complex numbers (which use real and imaginary JSON pairs).


This block can be worked around by subtracting the real and imaginary JSON values, and then using that as the value of the new real and imaginary parts:

define complex (num1) - (num2)
set [real diff] to ((get [real] from (num1)::#0fbd8c) - (get [real] from (num2)::#0fbd8c)):: #0869c2
set [imaginary diff] to ((get [imaginary ] from (num1)::#0fbd8c) - (get [imaginary] from (num2)::#0fbd8c)):: #0869c2
return (join [{"real":] (get [real diff]:: #0869c2) [,"imaginary":] (get [imaginary diff]:: #0869c2) [}]::operators)::custom cap

The complex () - () custom reporter would then be used in place of the actual block.

See also