glide () secs to ()

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Glide () secs to ()
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The glide () secs to () block is a stack block in the Motion category that glides to the specified sprite, the mouse-pointer, or a random position. It originates from Scratch 3.0. The default number of seconds is 1 , and the default selected option is "random position". It can be stopped in the same ways as the glide () secs to x: () y: () block can.


This block can be worked around in similar ways as the go to () block, but using the glide () secs to x: () y: () block instead of the go to x: () y: () block:

glide (time::grey) secs to x: ([x position v] of (sprite wanted v)) y: ([y position v] of (sprite wanted v))

glide (time::grey) secs to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)

For the random position option, you would have to use the pick random () to () block, and input the bounds that the sprite can go.

See also