go to ()
The go to () block is a stack block that goes to a specified sprite, the mouse-pointer, or a random position. It originates from Scratch. The default selected option is "random position".
The option for sprites can be worked around by using the () of () sensing block and the go to x: () y: () block, with the x position of the sprite going in the first input, and the y position of the sprite going in the second input:
go to x: ([x position v] of (sprite v)) y: ([y position v] of (sprite v))
The mouse-pointer option can be worked around by using the mouse x and mouse y blocks in the go to x: () y: () block, with mouse x going in the first input, and mouse y going in the other input:
go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)
Random Position
The random position block can be worked around by using pick random () to () blocks in the go to x: () y: () block. The values entered depend on the bounds of the sprite.