go to x: () y: ()

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Go to x: () y: ()
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The go to x: () y: () block is a stack block that moves the sprite to the specified x and y coordinate. It originates from Scratch. The default values of this block are the current x and y positions of the sprite.


This block can be worked around by using set x to () and set y to () blocks:

set x to (x wanted::grey)
set y to (y wanted::grey)

However, this workaround will not work properly if the pen is down, as it will draw a line in the x direction and then another line in the y direction, rather than a straight line to the position. Another workaround involves the glide () secs to x: () y: () block, with the first input being 0, the 2nd being the x coordinate that the sprite is going to, and the 3rd being the y coordinate that the sprite is going to:

glide (0) secs to x: (x wanted::grey) y: (y wanted::grey)

During April Fools, with The doo doo extension, for 17, 36 specifically, this block could be worked around by using the go to x: 17 y: 36 block:
go to x: 17 y: 36::#59c059

See also