Match () with regex () ()

Revision as of 01:29, 2 July 2024 by Steve0Greatness (talk | contribs) (→‎Comments: Flags! The third input is for flags. Umm. Anyway, removed comment section)


match with regex block

The match regex block is a reporter block that matches a string with a regular expression, a regex.


This block searches for every instance of the selected rule. The rule can be inserted into the second input box. The third input box acts as a flag (more info later on)


Foo bar example

Example 1

In this example inputs of the block it searches for the string "foo" in the string "foo bar" which will result in the array ["foo"] since there is only one foo in the string.

Fruit example

Example 2

For this example the block searches for every occurance of the word "banana" which results in the array ["banana","banana","banana"].

Regular expression rule syntax

The rules of regular expressions have their own syntax which you can all look up on this website.

The examples will appear as: [to be matched string] [rule] [third input] -> [result]

Syntax Table
meta characters Description Example
. This is the syntax for (almost) any character (see flags) ["gray grey griy gary"] ["gr.y"] ["g"] -> ["gray", "grey", "griy"]
() groups a set of characters No actual change to the result, will be needed later on
+ matches the preceding character or group one or more times ["abbbbbba aba aa"] ["ab+a"] ["g"] -> ["abbbbbba","aba"]
? matches the preceding character or group zero or one times ["aba aa abba abbbba"] ["a?ba"] ["g"] -> ["aba","aa"]
* matches the preceding character or group any amount of times ["aba aa abbbbbbbba abbbbbbbbbbbbba"] ["ab*a"] ["g"] -> ["aba", "aa", "abbbbbbbba", "abbbbbbbbbbbbba"]
{M,N} matches the preceding character or group

a minimum of M to a naximum of N times

["aba abbba abbbbba abbbbbbbbbbba"] ["ab{3,5}a"] ["g"] -> ["abbba","abbbbba"]
{,N} matches the preceding character or group a maximum of N times ["aba abbba abbbbba abbbbbbbbbbba"] ["ab{,5}a"] ["g"] -> ["aba", "abbba", "abbbbba"]
{M,} matches the preceding character or group a minimum of M times ["aba abbba abbbbba abbbbbbbbbbba"] ["ab{3,}a"] ["g"] -> ["abbba", "abbbbba", "abbbbbbbbbbba"]
{N} matches the preceding character or group exactly N times ["aba abbba abbbbba abbbbbbbbbbba"] ["ab{3}a"] ["g"] -> ["abbba"]
[...] syntax for any characters or group within the rectangular parenthesis ["Hello Hallo Hmllo Hkllo"] ["H[ea]llo"] ["g"] -> ["Hello","Hallo"].

This can also used like this: ["Hello Hallo Hmllo Hkllo"] ["H[a-k]llo"] ["g] -> ["Hello","Hallo", "Hkllo"].

which acts as every letter in the alphabet from a to k

| seperating possible character or groups ["gray grey griy gary"] ["(gray|grey|griy)"] ["g"] -> ["gray", "grey", "griy"]
\w syntax for all Alphanumericals (a-z A-Z 0-9 and _) ["This is a_text90§!"] ["\w"] ["g"] -> ["T","h","i","s","i","s","a","_","t","e","x","t","9","0"]
\W syntax for all non-Alphanumericals not (a-z A-Z 0-9 and _) ["This is a_text90§!"] ["\W"] ["g"] -> ["§","!"]
\s syntax for the Whitespace which includes:

Ascii: tab, space, line feed, form feed and carriage return Unicode: matches, no-break spaces, next line, and the variable-width spaces (amongst others). Basically anything that is not visible

["This is a testing example"] ["\s"] ["g"] -> [" "," "," "]
\S syntax for all non-Whitespaces ["This is a tesing example"] ["\S"] ["g"] -> ["T","h","i","s","i","s","a","t","e","s","t","i","n","g","e","x","a"m","p","l","e"]
\d syntax for all Digits (0-9) ["My favourite number is 917"] ["\d"] ["g"] -> ["9","1","7"]
\D syntax for all non-Digits not (0-9) ["9 + 10 = 21"] ["\D"] ["g"] -> ["+","="]
^ syntax for the beginning of a string or line ["Hello World, I say Hello"] ["^Hello"] ["g"] -> ["Hello"]
$ syntax for the end of a string or line ["Hello World, I say Hello"] ["Hello$"] ["g"] -> ["Hello"]
\A syntax for the beginning of a string but not line ["Hello World,

Hello"] ["\A"] ["g"] -> ["Hello"]

\z syntax for the end of a string but not line ["Hello World,

Hello"] ["\z"] ["g"] -> ["Hello"]

[^...] syntax for any character or group not inside of the rectangular parenthesis ["Hello Hallo Hmllo Hkllo"] ["H[^ea]llo"] ["g"] -> ["Hmllo","Hkllo"].

This can also used like this: ["Hello Hallo Hmllo Hkllo"] ["H[^a-k]llo"] ["g] -> ["Hmllo"].

which acts as every letter but those in the alphabet from a to k

\ syntax for Escaping Characters.

For example used to get the actual character * instead of the syntax

["I would like to find all *s in this very *-filled *text"] ["\*"] ["g"] -> ["*","*","*"]

This is also used to escape itself: ["I would like to find all \s in this very \-filled \text"] ["\\"] ["g"] -> ["\","\","\"]


Flags are used to redefine the behaviour of a regular expression. These flags include:

Flag Name Description
g Global Finds all the matching sub-strings not only the first one
i Case-insensitive Makes the rule case-insensitive. For example if the rule is [e] and the flag [ig] all e and E's get matched
m multi-line Changes the meaning of the rule $ and ^ to be the end and beginning of a line and whole string
s dotalls changes the . character to include every character including new-line

To use multiple flags you write them, as seen in the description of the case-insensitive flag, after another with no delimiter (a space or comma inbetween the flags). Order does not matter.

More flags can be found here