play drum () for () beats

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Play drum () for () beats
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The play drum () for () beats block is a stack block in the Music extension that plays the selected percussion instrument for the wanted number of beats. It originates from Scratch. The default number of beats is 0.25, and the default instrument is "(1) Snare Drum". Despite the use of "drum" in the name of this block, other instruments are available as well. Using less than 0 or more than 18 causes the block to loop back, meaning using 19 as the drum will play drum 1.[1]

Dropdown Option

The dropdown allows you to select the following instruments:

  1. (1) Snare Drum
  2. (2) Bass Drum
  3. (3) Side Stick
  4. (4) Crash Cymbal
  5. (5) Open Hi-Hat
  6. (6) Closed Hi-Hat
  7. (7) Tambourine
  8. (8) Hand Clap
  9. (9) Claves
  10. (10) Wood Block
  11. (11) Cowbell
  12. (12) Triangle
  13. (13) Bongo
  14. (14) Conga
  15. (15) Cabasa
  16. (16) Guiro
  17. (17) Vibraslap
  18. (18) Cuica


ve Music Blocks Navigation
Scratch Blocks play drum () for () beats  · rest for () beats  · play note () for () beats  · set instrument to ()  · set tempo to ()  · change tempo by ()  · tempo