say ()
Say ()
The say () block is a stack block that makes the sprite say the specific text in a speech bubble. It is in the Looks category, and originates from Scratch. The default text is "Hello!". The sprite will stop speaking if a blank value is entered, when the stop speaking block is used, or when the stop sign is pressed.
It can be used alongside the speak []
block to have dialogue with speech at the same time, which can be used for accessibility.
define say text (string1) say (string1) speak (string1) when gf clicked say text [Hello!] //the custom block would be used like this, and in this script, the text "Hello!" would be both said and spoken.
This can be used for dialogue:
when I receive [speak v] say [D'oh!] for (2) seconds
It can also be used for "typing" engines, which types out what is being said:
define type (text) set [letter number] to [0]::#0869c2 //keep track of the current text set [current text] to []::#0869c2 //the input is blank repeat (length of (text)) change [letter number] by (1)::#0869c2 //this will go through every letter number set [current text] to (join (get [current text]::#0869c2) (letter (get [letter number]::#0869c2) of (text)))::#0869c2 say (get [current text]::#0869c2) wait (0) seconds end say (text) for (2) seconds when I receive [start v] type [Hello there!] type [Welcome to the world of Pokémon!]
The length of () block can also be used to remove the need to use a "letter number" variable, and normal variables can also be used.
Default text with Penguin sprite
- Scratch 3.0 added a 330 character limit to this block, alongside the think (), say () for () seconds, and think () for () seconds blocks.[1]