set my home

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Set my home
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The set my home block is a stack block that stores sprite's position to be used in the go to home block. To get this block, one must add the Motion Expansion extension.


This block can be worked around by using variables or a list to store the current coordinate of a sprite, which can be used with the go to x: () y: () block to go back:

define set my home
delete all of [saved position v]
add (x position) to [saved position v]
add (y position) to [saved position v]
define go to home
go to x: (item (1) of [saved position v]) y: (item (2) of [saved position v])


define set my home
set [saved x v] to (x position)
set [saved y v] to (y position)
define go to home
go to x: (saved x) y: (saved y)