stop speaking
Stop speaking
The stop speaking block is a stack block that removes speech bubbles in the sprite.
This block can be worked around by putting no text in a say () or a think () block, and can also be worked around by using 0 as the 2nd input in the say () for () seconds or the think () for () seconds blocks.
say/think []::looks
say/think [] for (0) seconds::looks
This workaround pauses the script for 1 frame.
- In Scratch 1.0 prototypes, there was a block that had the same function called say nothing, but it was removed from the block palette in a 2006 build due to the first listed workaround. It showed correctly until Scratch 2.0, and could be obtained by editing the Squeak code in the System Browser or by uploading a prototype project with the block to 1.x.