
Revision as of 19:28, 5 July 2024 by MediansSC (talk | contribs) (Fixed workaround)

Block Type Reporter Block
Category / Extension Music
Status Who tf uses status

The tempo block is a reporter block in the Music extension that reports the current tempo. It can be shown as a stage monitor, is global, and originates from Scratch. The default value of the tempo is the same as the default value of the set tempo to () block, which is 60.


This block can be worked around by using a variable to store the value of the tempo when the set tempo to () and change tempo by () blocks are used:

define set tempo to (number1)
set [tempo v] to (number1)
set tempo to (number1)
define change tempo by (number1)
set tempo to ((tempo::variables) + (number1))::custom