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Graphic effects are effects that are used to change the look of a sprite or the Stage.

List of Graphic Effects

Scratch Effects

The following effects were introduced in Scratch:

  • color (changes the hue of the sprite)
  • fisheye (gives the impression of a sprite being seen through a wide-angle lens[1])
  • whirl (twists the sprite around its centerpoint[1])
  • pixelate (pixelates the sprite)
  • mosaic (shows smaller versions of the sprite)
  • brightness (changes the brightness of the sprite)
  • ghost (affects the transparency of the sprite)

PenguinMod Effects

The following effects were introduced in PenguinMod:

  • saturation
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • opaque

Value Limits

The value of the graphic effects have limits.

Effect Name Limit
color Adding 200 to the color effect will do nothing, as the effect of the color of the sprite is equal to the original color plus half of the entered effect[1]. Setting the color effect to Infinity or -Infinity will result in greyscale[1], however, this effect does not always work in different browsers and gives different results[citation needed].
fisheye Numbers whose absolute value is not greater than 3.4028234663852886 * 1024 will function correctly, though large values might not have an effect on the sprite[1].
whirl The whirl will eventually make an oval appear. However, if the value is greater than 1.94967423051954 * 1040, then the sprite will form different squares that depends on the operating system and browser that the user has.[1][2][3] The effect that this has in TurboWarp and PenguinMod is currently unknown.
pixelate The pixelate effect has no limit (except that the absolute value of the inputs are used for the pixelate effect), but the effect doesn't have an effect after a certain point.[1]
mosaic The absolute value of the input is used for the mosaic effect, and the max value is 5105.[1]
brightness The brightness must be greater than or equal to -100 and less than or equal to 100. -100 represents a black sprite, while 100 makes the sprite white.[1]
ghost The minimum value for the ghost effect is 0, and the maximum is 100.[1]
saturation The saturation effect has no set limit, but using values with an absolute value approaching Infinity and -Infinity causes the sprite to go black.
red The red effect has no set limit, but the effect does nothing after a certain point. The same also occurs for the green and blue effects. Setting all values to -Infinity seems to give black, but Infinity gives varying effects.
opaque The opaque effect has no set limit, but negative values do nothing, and positive values do nothing after a certain point.


The following blocks are used to access and change graphic effects (blocks with a * next to them were introduced in PenguinMod):

All of these blocks are in the Looks category.