video () on ()

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Video () on ()
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The video () on () block is a reporter block in the Video Sensing block that reports the video motion/direction based on the detected on the current sprite or the Stage. It originates from Scratch. The defaults are "motion" (first dropdown) and "sprite" (second dropdown). The block returns -1 if there is no video, and video motion is measured from a scale of 1 to 100, while video direction is measured the same as sprite direction. [1]

It can be used for implementing motion controls into a project:

when gf clicked
turn video (on v)
move (video (motion v) on (stage v)) steps
point in direction (video (direction v) on (stage v))


ve Video Sensing Blocks Navigation
Scratch Blocks when video motion > ()  · video () on ()  · turn video ()  · set video transparency to ()