when stop sign clicked

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When stop sign clicked
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The when stop sign clicked block is a hat block that runs after the stop sign is clicked. It is not in vanilla Scratch, due to being rejected.[1]

Example Uses

This block can be used to show thumbnails:

when @stopSign clicked::events hat
set backdrop/costume to (thumbnail v)::looks
broadcast [hide sprites v]


This block can be worked around by detecting the timer (which does not stop after the project is stopped, meaning it will be greater than 0 when the project is stopped if continuously reset):

when gf clicked
broadcast [msg v] //this will be used to also run the script again after the stop sign is clicked
when I receive [msg v]
set [timer v] to [0] //this can be used if you want to keep track of the timer in the project.
change [timer v] by (timer)
reset timer //this will always be reset
when [timer v] > (0)
broadcast [msg v]
