The cursor block is a reporter block in the Mouse Cursor extension that reports the current cursor used. The default value for this block is "default".
Possible Cursors
The following values can be cursor values:
Cursor Type |
default |
pointer |
move |
grab |
grabbing |
text |
vertical-text |
wait |
progress |
help |
context-menu |
zoom-in |
zoom-out |
crosshair |
cell |
not-allowed |
copy |
alias |
no-drop |
all-scroll |
col-resize |
row-resize |
n-resize |
e-resize |
s-resize |
w-resize |
ne-resize |
nw-resize |
se-resize |
sw-resize |
ew-resize |
ns-resize |
nesw-resize |
nwse-resize |
none |
This block can be worked around by setting a variable when the cursor is changed, and using default before that block is used as the value:
when gf clicked set [cursor v] to [default] define set cursor to (cursor name) set [cursor v] to (cursor name) set cursor to (cursor)::extension define hide cursor set cursor to [none] define set cursor to current costume center: (center location) max size: (size) set [cursor v] to (costume [name v]) set cursor to current costume center: (center location) max size: (size)::extension
These custom blocks would be used in place of the hide cursor, the set cursor to (), and the set cursor to current costume center: () max size: () blocks.