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FireMod is a fan-created mod of PenguinMod. This website is listed here as it used to use as it's domain, but has been acquired by PenguinMod.

FireMod google search result (Outdated because the link is the old one)

FireMod is listed as a result on Google. This URL used to lead to FireMod, but now leads to PenguinMod.

Click here to view FireMod on it's other domain.

FireMod website
Trying to upload a project (Outdated because clicking Upload does nothing now)

Although FireMod is usable, we can take that with a medium pinch of salt. Stuff like uploading will not work. The use of the old URL name seems to also cause confusion that this is official, but FireMod was created inside of the Discord server in-order to show the 3D extension for all users.

FireMod has a favicon, but it had limited showing, it shows in only the addons menu.

This may need more editing.