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Description Labelling and Placeholders.
Added fortnite...

Labels is an extension in PenguinMod.

ve Extension Navigation
Vanilla Music  · Pen  · Animated Text^  · Video Sensing  · Text to Speech  · Translate  · Makey Makey  · micro:bit  · LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3  · LEGO BOOST  · LEGO Education WeDo 2.0  · Go Direct Force & Acceleration
TurboWarp Files  · Physics  · Clones+  · Skins  · TurboWarp Temporary Variables  · HTTP  · CloudLink  · McUtils  · GamePad  · Clipping and Blending  · Pointer Lock  · Mouse Cursor  · TurboWarp Blocks
PenguinMod Stage Camera  · Sound Systems  · Sound Waves  · Motion  · Events  · Control  · Sensing  · Operators  · JSON  · Custom Styles  · Tweening  · Tailgating  · Tile Grids  · Canvas Effects  · Multiple Timers  · Temporary Variables  · Runtime Modifications  · Font Manager  · Storage  · CloudLink  · Scripts  · Pang API  · 3D Math  · Extra Mathematics  · Random Utilities  · LZ Compress  · Prism  · Odd Messages  · PenguinAI  · HTML iframe Elements  · HTML Canvas  · Color Picker  · Colors  · All Menus  · Labels  · Perlin Noise  · CATS  · Printing  · Scratch Authentication  · JavaScript  · Easy Save*  · XML*  · Debugging*  · 3D Extension*  · 3D Physics*  · 3D Virtual Reality*  · Interfaces*  · Packager Applications*  · Inline Blocks*  · Pathfinding*  · Animation*  · Virtual Reality*  · PenguinMod Extra Extensions
Former Files  · HTML Canvas  · Clone Communication  · PenguinMod Permissions  · Website Request Blocks  · OOP  · Unite  · Advanced Text*
April Fools Test Extension  · Christmas  · an amazing extension  · Epic utilities  · image blocks  · fire in the hole  · the doo doo extension
*: Work in progress or never released  · ^: Scratch Lab