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The Physics extension is a port of the Box2D physics engine.

The Physics extension as seen from the extension list.

It was originally ported by Griffpatch and then added to Turbowarp. It was originally shown off on his

Youtube channel on February 14th, 2016[1]


Box2D Physics extension created by Griffpatch.


  • set stage boundaries to [ ]
  • set gravity to x: () y: ()
  • enable for [ ] mode [ ]
  • step simulation
  • go to x: ( ) y: ( ) [ ]
  • Set velocity to sx: ( ) sy: ( )
  • change velocity to sx: ( ) sy: ( )
  • push with force ( ) in direction ( )
  • spin with force ( )
  • set angular velocity to ( )
  • set fixed to [ ]
  • set density to [ ]
  • set density to ( )
  • set friction to [ ]
  • set friction to ( )
  • set bounce to [ ]
  • set bounce to ( )
  • set scroll to x: ( ) y: ( )
  • change scroll by x: ( ) y : ( )

Variables and Booleans

  • ( gravity x )
  • ( gravity y )
  • ( x velocity )
  • ( y velocity )
  • ( angular velocity )
  • < fixed? >
  • ( density )
  • ( friction )
  • ( bounce )
  • ( list sprites touching [ ] )
  • ( x scroll )
  • ( y scroll )
