picker () position

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Picker () position
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The picker () position block is a reporter block in the Color Picker extension that reports the X or Y position of the picker. By default, the picker is at a position of (0, 0).

Dropdown Option

The dropdown option of this block allows for the selection of the X position or the Y position.

Option Default
X Yes
Y No


This block can be worked around by using variables or a list to save the position of the picker when the set picker position to x: () y: () block is used:

define set picker position to x: (xPos) y: (yPos)
set [picker x v] to (xPos)
set [picker y v] to (yPos)
set picker position to x: (picker x) y: (picker y)::#ff7db5

This custom block would be used in place of that block. Checks can be added to make sure that a valid number is inputted.

ve Color Picker Extension Blocks Navigation
PenguinMod Blocks show color picker  · set picker position to x: () y: ()  · set picker color to ()  · color () value  · picker () position  · when color changed