speak ()

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Speak ()
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The speak () block is a stack block in the Text to Speech extension that says the entered in text in the current voice. It originates from Scratch. The default text is "hello". The block has a limit of 128 characters.[1]

This block can be used alongside the say [] block to provide speech alongside subtitles/text. This is useful to help the visually impaired or people who cannot hear.

define say text (string1)
say (string1)
speak (string1)
when gf clicked
say text [Something crazy happened to me yesterday.] //the block would say and speak each text, and the block would be used like this
say text [I met this girl after school ended, and she wanted to give me cookies.]
say text [Then I asked for one, and she said "I need about three fiddy."]
say text [That's when I realized she was actually 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era.]

It can also be used to speak text in a different language, by using the blocks in the Translate extension, and the set language to (language name v) block:

define speak (text) in user language
set language to (language)
speak (translate (text) to (language))
when gf clicked
speak [Hello!] in user language //the block would translate "Hello!" to the language that the user has selected


ve Text to Speech Extension Blocks Navigation
Scratch Blocks speak ()  · set voice to ()  · set language to ()
PenguinMod Blocks set reading speed to ()%