switch backdrop to ()
Switch backdrop to ()
The switch backdrop to () block is a stack block in the Looks category that switches the backdrop to the specified name, a random backdrop, the next backdrop, or the previous backdrop. It originates from Scratch.
The previous backdrop option can be worked around with the following:
previous backdrop ::looks
switch backdrop to ((backdrop #) - (1))
The next backdrop option can be worked around with the following:
next backdrop
switch backdrop to ((backdrop #) + (1))
The random backdrop option can be worked around with the following:
switch backdrop to ((0) + (0)) //switching to the 0th backdrop switches to the last switch backdrop to (pick random (1) to (backdrop #))
Alternatively, you can just use the number of backdrops in the random backdrop workaround, like this:
switch backdrop to (pick random (1) to (number of backdrops::grey))