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Revision as of 17:14, 23 May 2024 by G1nX (talk | contribs) (create thanosifier)
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The "Thanosifier" is an online joke tool created by user "Gen1x" that, upon uploading either a .pmp or a .sb3 file to it, deletes half of the files and blocks out of the project (excluding project.json to avoid the project being unopenable), making projects openable but still unusable.

The Thanosifier takes measures to ensure the project can still be opened in most cases.

Found effects on projects

Here are the following effects that have been found after Thanosifying many projects:

  • Half of the files, including sounds and costumes, will be gone forever across all sprites (including the stage).
  • Half of the blocks are gone across all sprites (including the stage).
  • Sounds that have been "thanosified" but still referenced in the project.json will show as 0 second long empty sounds.
  • Costumes that have been "thanosified" but still referenced in the project.json are replaced by QBODs (Question Boxes of Death) instead.
  • Sometimes, custom blocks can get its prototype "thanosified" as well, resulting in glitched custom blocks that just say "define", without anything else after it.
  • Empty sound.

    Empty sound.