tween variable () to () over () seconds using () ease ()

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Revision as of 01:39, 17 December 2023 by SuperSonic136 (talk | contribs)

Tween variable () to () over () seconds using () ease ()
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Block Type Stack Block
Category / Extension Tweening
Status Who tf uses status

The tween variable () to () over () seconds using ease () block is a stack block in the Tweening extension. It tweens the variable to the entered in value over a certain amount of time.


The first dropdown is the list of variables available in the sprite that the block is in.


  • Linear
  • Sine
  • Quad
  • Cubic
  • Quart
  • Quint
  • Expo
  • Circ
  • Back
  • Elastic
  • Bounce


  • In
  • Out
  • In out